QUESTION: I work out at 5:30 a.m. Waiting until 11 a.m. helps me eat less, so that’s when my first meal is. Would a protein shake right after my workout be more beneficial for weight loss or my muscles? What matters most (for your muscles) is getting enough protein in a day. (Protein is also important for appetite.) Research shows that the timing of that protein doesn’t matter much. What matters for the scale is calories. If waiting until 11 a.m. to eat helps you manage your calorie budget, then stick with that. Moving a large chunk of your protein from lunch to the early morning means lunch will be less satiating because it has less protein and fewer calories. This will probably lead to some afternoon “snaccidents” (an accident involving a snack). A less satiating lunch makes snacks around your office or home more tempting. Keep doing what you’re doing. The only thing to possibly look at is ensuring you get enough protein (in total) for the day. QUESTION: How much protein can my body use in one meal? Sometimes people worry that if they only eat twice a day, they will end up consuming “too much protein” at one time and then this protein will be “wasted.” The best evidence we have says your body can make good use of 100 grams of protein in one meal. 100 grams is the largest quantity ever tested, so the upper limit might be much higher, or there may be no practical upper limit. The only wasted protein is collagen as protein. Collagen has zero bioavailability as protein for muscle growth and repair. While it has other benefits, it’s worthless as a protein supplement. QUESTION: How much protein do you need? For most women, 90 grams of protein is a good minimum. This varies with height and muscle mass. One gram per pound of body weight would be the maximum for most women because more means more calories for very slim benefits. QUESTION: What are some ways to get more protein without having too many calories? Many of the protein sources touted by the internet are mostly fat – nuts, steak, egg yolks. The biggest “secret” for getting protein for a reasonable number of calories is (1) seeking fat-free or low-fat options, and (2) drinking a protein shake. Josef Brandenburg is the co-owner and a coach at True 180 Personal Training, Charlotte’s most effective studio for women. We are changing the way fitness is done to get you the results you deserve!